Articles on: The $PIA Token

Enjoy Weekly Rewards with your NFT Collection

Here at Pianity, our mission is to create value for both creators and collectors. As we expand and introduce exciting new features, we're offering more opportunities for our community of musicians and fans. One such feature is our innovative profit-sharing system, Weekly Rewards.

Weekly Rewards are our way of showing appreciation to our collectors for their support. As a Pianity collector, you are eligible to receive a reward every week, proportional to the size of your NFT collection. This reward is paid in $PIA, our proprietary token, and will be automatically added to your wallet.

Let's dive in to see how this works.

Reward Distribution Schedule

Weekly rewards are automatically distributed every Thursday. You don't need to do anything to claim your rewards - they will appear in your wallet automatically.

How Your Weekly Reward is Calculated

Your weekly reward is determined based on three factors:

Your NFT portfolio value: This is the total value of the NFTs you own on Pianity, based on the price at which you acquired them.
Total NFT value in circulation on Pianity: This is the total value of all NFTs currently in circulation on the platform.
Weekly reward pot: This is the total amount of $PIA allocated for rewards each week, currently set at 10% of all sales on Pianity.

Your reward is calculated by taking the ratio of your portfolio value to the total market value, and then applying that ratio to the weekly reward pot.

Example: If the NFTs you own represent 10% of the total value of NFTs in circulation, you will earn 10% of the total reward distributed that week.

Please note: Your wallet balance is not taken into account for this calculation. It's all about the value of your NFTs!

Continued Eligibility for Rewards

To keep the rewards coming, simply continue your journey as a collector. All you need to do is purchase at least 1 NFT per month, no matter its value, to stay eligible for weekly rewards.

Now, isn't that music to your ears? Start collecting, start earning, and make music matter with Pianity.

Updated on: 26/06/2023

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